

It’s time for a ​radical shift in ​leadership

Level Up Life & ​Leadership

Radical Leadership Circle is a ​committed and supportive community ​for those who are ready to shake up ​the norms and re-define what it means ​to be a good social impact leader into ​today’s complex world.

Here, you can find your people and ​reignite your passion and purpose

You are a brave leader, charting waters no one has ever navigated before: rapidly ​changing technology, chronic industry burnout, generational differences, economic ​challenges, the list goes on.

We know it's a lot, but you don’t have to go it alone.



3 Radical ​Coaches



Over 6-months, this ​intimate group will meet ​for a monthly 90-minute ​virtual gathering, ​centering the most ​pressing issues that each ​of us face in our social ​impact work, and working ​collectively to dream up, ​name, and implement ​bold and radical solutions.

The space will be held by ​three diverse, expert ​coaches who work in ​changemaker leadership, ​advocacy, and wellbeing. ​Each coach brings her ​unique framework, style, ​and lived experience to ​this circle and will teach ​specific skills to help you ​reshape your leadership.

Connect with like-minded ​leaders who want to blaze ​a new path. The ​participants are the ​creators of the space, ​utilizing the power of their ​lived-experience to lead ​along their peers in finding ​real solutions to big ​problems. Your new bestie ​might be waiting for you!

The ❤️ of This Circle

We need spaces where we are surrounded and uplifted by leaders who are ready to ​do leadership differently. We’re talking about radical, resilient, wellbeing-focused ​leadership ❤️‍🔥

It's time to redefine what good leadership really means right now. That is exactly ​why we’ve created a program that is exclusively for social impact leaders like you: ​Someone who is leading teams and/or organizations and is passionate about ​impact AND figuring out how to be healthy and purposeful at the same time.

Meet your coaches

Each a lil spicy, totally joyful, and 100% committed to your growth




The Details...

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Run by 3 radical leadership coaches: Sonya, Loretta, and Shannon

Invitation Only. Space is limited to 15 individuals.

6-month commitment (October 2024 - March 2025)

One 90-Minute Zoom Meeting each month

What’s App group to connect between sessions

Curated resources, like custom journal prompts, podcasts and articles, to further your learning

What you’ll get out of the ​Radical Leadership Circle

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Less lonely in navigating the complexities of social impact leadership

Supported in making hairy decisions

Empowered to find the courage to do things differently

More committed to restorative practices

More committed to leading through your values

Ready to advocate for your worth

More joy through meaningful connections with people who get it

More effective in sustaining energy, clarity, impact

Session Dates

Fridays at 9am PST / 10am MST / 11am CST / Noon EST

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October 11, 2024

November 15, 2024

December 15, 2024

January 10, 2025

February 7, 2025

March 14, 2025

Real talk with people who get it

Topics + Themes

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Moving through change

Dealing with difficult situations/people

Creating cultures of health and wellbeing

Caring for yourself first

Self-Advocacy and advocacy of your team culture

Understanding boundaries and how to protect your role

Navigating VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity)

Living your worth and standing in your own financial abundance

Redefining leadership, productivity, value, etc.

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This 6-months container of tailored ​leadership development and circle ​of like-minded peers is $1,800 ​(billed monthly at $300/month,

or $1,700 paid in full ($100 discount).

woman using laptop computer.
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We can’t wait to see ​you in the circle!

xo, Sonya, Loretta, and Shannon


What type of leaders will make up this cohort?

  • People who are committed to creating cultures of wellbeing at their ​organization and who know they need to start with themselves
  • Social impact leaders who are managing at least one staff member, and/or are in ​a position of authority and responsible for making organizational decisions
  • Highly motivated, committed to growth
  • Passionate, mission focused individuals facing the complexity of leadership ​dynamics
  • Dreamers who put vision into action

What if I miss a call?

We want you to join every call possible. Prioritizing something for yourself is a ​valuable commitment that supports your empowerment and energy as a leader. ​AND we totally get that sometimes things are unavoidable. All calls will be recorded ​so you can soak up the goodness on your own time.

When do we meet/start?

We will meet on pre-selected Fridays starting this fall (October). If you know ​someone in your network that would benefit from a group like this please feel free ​to extend the invite. You will not see this blasted on social–it is invitation only.

How much is this investment?

This 6 month container of tailored leadership development is $1,800 (billed monthly ​at $300), or $1,700 if paid in full. For context: the average 60-minute leadership ​coaching session with only one coach is $200! This is a leadership development ​opportunity, so if you’re curious about how to ask your boss for these funds, then see ​our “Accessing Financial Support” tips below.

Other Questions?

Join us on September 20th where you’ll have an opportunity to meet cohort ​members and get all of your questions answered in real time. You can register for ​the Q&A session here. Or, feel free to email us at monsoonleadership@gmail.com.

Accessing Financial Support

aka Convince your Boss to pay for this

This is a Professional Development (PD) opportunity. While you may feel like this is ​something you personally want to do, your organization will benefit from the ​wisdom, growth, and wellness you learn to embody over the course of the six ​months. We want to empower you to ask your organization to fund this opportunity.

Here is some data and talking points to convince your boss to invest in you:

  • According to the Center for Effective Philanthropy, the number one and ongoing ​concern across the social impact sector is staff burnout. Knowing that employee ​burnout has severe impacts on an organization’s mission, it's critical for social ​impact leaders to find remedies in managing occupational stress while also ​leading others out of their burnout cycles. This coaching opportunity can provide ​leaders with the power and resources to lead in more restorative, value-driven, ​and sustainable ways.

  • Research from BetterUp shows that employees who receive personalized ​coaching are more likely to develop an internal “resiliency buffer,” which comes ​in clutch during times of tumult and change. In addition to resilience, coached ​individuals are more likely to experience a significant edge in other important ​areas like productivity, optimism, and life satisfaction.

We know that conflict, turnover, and burnout are not only taxing to individuals... but ​they are financially expensive for organizations. An immersive opportunity like this ​will help to reduce the physical, mental and emotional stress that many leaders are ​facing, which in turn helps organizations run more efficiently. The value is ​incredible. We recommend exploring if your employer is willing and able to pay for ​this growth opportunity. Often organizations say they want to invest in their people ​and simply need to be asked to make an actual financial commitment. If you need ​more support in making the ask, then please use this professional development ​playbook that was created by one of our coaches.

Coach Bios


Sonya Perez-Lauterbach, MSLOC

Certified Leadership Development Coach

Creator of Leadership Atlas™, & Thriving in Transition™

Sonya is a leadership coach, idealist, and change expert committed to creating a more ​beautiful, and just world. Sonya is the creator of the Leadership Atlas™ - a holistic ​approach to leadership development that integrates the mental, emotional, and ​embodied aspects of leading. Sonya has worked with leaders from social enterprises, ​education, and nonprofit organizations for nearly 20 years. Her coaching practice ​leverages neuroscience, psychology, somatics and many insights gained from ​personal breakthroughs and mental shifts to help others lead and live with more ease ​and joy. Sonya is a Chicana who loves being in nature, global travel, dancing, and ​having fun with her two children and husband, David.


Loretta Turner, MA, ACC, CNP

Leadership Coach and Wellbeing Consultant

founder of Do Good Leadership Collective

Loretta is a New Jersey native currently residing in the vibrant city of San Diego. She is ​known for her passion for empowering individuals and organizations that are ​dedicated to making their corners of the world a better place. Loretta is an ICF-​accredited leadership coach and wellbeing strategist with over a decade of ​experience in both the nonprofit and wellness sectors. She is an exceptional conscious ​social entrepreneur, executive coach, leadership educator, and wellness practitioner ​with expansive reach and experience across the social impact landscape. Loretta ​advocates for better systems that support the wholeness, joy, resiliency, and ​sustainability of the nonprofit and social impact workforce, and enjoys blending the ​boundaries between doing good and being well.


Shannon Bowen

C-Suite Nonprofit Leader

CEO of Monsoon Leadership

Shannon is a nonprofit executive leader, fundraiser, career advancement coach, and a ​staff retention and salary negotiation expert. She helps nonprofits leaders do the right ​thing + get paid more! Currently, she is the Chief Advancement Officer for Pacific ​Northwest Research Institute, is the Co-President-Elect for AFP Advancement ​Northwest Board of Directors, and is the CEO of Monsoon Leadership, which trains ​nonprofit professionals how to land their dream job and get paid what they deserve. ​She is passionate about advocating for prosperous wages for changemakers, piloting ​holistic leadership models, unabashedly talking about money, and building our ​financial health. Shannon also teaches ballroom dance, DIY designs her house (have ​you seen her Zoom background??), tends to her 50+ houseplants, cooks gourmet ​meals, and plans her next foodie vacay.

See you soon!